3/11 Event Recap: ANWS NGOCSW68 Parallel Event

We are thrilled to share the success of the NGOCSW68 Parallel Event co-organized by 勵馨基金會 The Garden of Hope Foundation and the Asian Network of Women’s Shelters (ANWS): “Story of Economic Violence: Telling the Real Cases in Asian Shelters.”

This forum featured 7 speakers from six different organizations and countries, including:

1️⃣ Liya Tang, Emergency Women’s Shelter Supervisor at the Garden of Hope Foundation, Taiwan

2️⃣ KITANAKA Chisato, President, co-representative of All Japan Women’s Shelters Network

3️⃣ Socheat THAK, Executive Director of Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center, Cambodia

4️⃣ Linnea Elg, Intern at the Center for Women and Development, Vietnam

5️⃣ Kavindi Wijesekera, Manager of the WIN FOR HER Social Enterprise curated by Women In Need & Anoja Makawita, Head of Counselling, Women in Need, Sri Lanka

6️⃣ Suvekchya Rana, Executive Director of Saathi, Nepal

We had a total of 160 registrations for this event, with 152 participants joining us online. Our audience comprised representatives from UN agencies, government officials, and shelter organizations from 37 different countries and regions in the world!

The forum focused on sharing experiences and insights into handling cases of economic violence in shelters across various countries. Despite the tight schedule, our audience remained highly engaged and expressed gratitude towards GOH and ANWS for co-hosting this insightful discussion. Special thanks to all the speakers and organizations who dedicated their support for the survivors and contributed to this incredible conversation!

Did you miss the live session? You can catch the replay on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2wptdWR0d0

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this important dialogue. Let’s continue working together to create a world free from violence!

#NGOCSW68 #WomenEmpowerment #GOH #ANWS

Published by International Affairs Division GOH

Contact point for the Asian Network of Women's Shelters